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Salary Negotiation Mastery Training Now!

Stop Leaving Money on the Table! Start Getting Paid What You Are Worth. This step-by-step video course will show you exactly how to negotiate your salary like a pro in less than 90 minutes.

Learn how to:

  • Start preparing for the negotiation as soon as you start interviewing.

  • Ask for time to consider the offer.

  • Evaluate the offer and know exactly what to ask for.

  • Counter the offer...(and yes, you always want to do this).

  • Finalize the deal and get what you are worth.

Here's What You Will Get:

  • Salary Negotiation Mastery course and guide.

  • 10 Email templates ​which show you exactly what to say to get an offer in writing, ask for time to consider the offer, counter offer, etc.

  • How to Calculate Your Market Value ​training video to make things easy and have proof of your worth.

  • How to Calculate Your Salary Worksheet​ - a plug and play template to make the math very simple.

  • Proven Negotiation Strategies to make the hiring manager say yes every time!

  • How Companies Set Up Their Salary Structures -​This knowledge is pure GOLD because if you know how it works, you will know how to counter it!

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